

合適沒有基礎的人學習 易經是一門深奧的學問 ... 鐘老師 用簡單易懂的方法分析 教導學員🍃🍃🍃👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 謝謝啦 鍾老師


鍾易老师是一位认真教课、诚心指点学生们的老师 👏🏻 - 易经解码(中文班)内容肯定超值 👍🏻

Cheung Leng See

上了两天的中文班,确实有了更深入的体会到了什么是易经。 文字难以形容,只能用心去体验。。。 这是你我他的一种领悟吧。。

Goh Soon Wei

Thank you Master Ivann for the 2-day class. It has been time well spent. Master Ivann is very patient to explain to the class and I am sure everyone benefitted from his decoding. The real-time and on-the-spot divination is fascinating.

Khoo Shee Fei

Super inspired n Great I sign up the Chinese Metaphysics the art of Yijing. Sifu Ivann Choong your cool way of teaching, sharing your knowledge & thank you very much for generous sharing with us. Gan En. Wishing Sifu, friends of Yijing + me n my love ones lots of luck, wealth in abundance, never-ending happiness & plenty of smile.


Master Ivann Choong has over delivered in all aspect and truly unleashed Yijing for everyone. I strongly recommend anyone interested, to come & learn YiJing Divination with him.

Don Tan

2 days of learning went by very quickly. Worthwhile investment to learn about YiChing and applying to Bazi, Divination and FengShui. Ivann shared his knowledge generously, adjusting to the learning capability of the class. He is patient and approachable, answering questions to the right level for the class.

Tze Meng

I strongly recommend everyone to attend this class. It’s science. Calculation. It’s helpful. Ivann is a good teacher. Sincere. Positive. Knowledgeable. Experienced. Clear. Engaging. I enjoy the class very much. Definitely value for money. You sure will be glad u attend 🙂

Traccy Yeap

Ivann knowledge and experience and application of Yi Ching has indeed given me a new insight into Chinese Metaphysics. The application on fengshui is indeed meaningful and helpful. I would like to thank Ivann on the assisting of making the changes to facilitate the energy flow within my household. Thank you Ivann.

Goh Soon Wei

I have attended the Unleash program, I find that Master Ivann is very knowledgeable and generous in imparting us his knowledges to us. He gave more than what we expected in the class, covering fengshui and Bazi in details too. He is very willingly to share and patience with us. I highly recommend to anyone who wants to discover more about themselves and our environment around us.

Marcus Seah

I attended the 2 days Unleash program. Ivann is a generous teacher with a big heart. He shares his YiJing knowledge readily and sometimes even stuff that are in other programs. i strongly recommend to learn and appreciate YiJing from Ivann.

Andrew Tan

A sincere expert who is very knowledgeable and helpful to ensure you will not just benefit from his class and his FengShui audit. He tried to simplify things for anyone to understand easily the why , and how to do it.

Rachel Pow


Klink Wong

Ivann choong 问事的准确度高,每次他说出来的都出现了,让我可以提防与应对。例如一,我去旅行前 lvann预测所会发生的事真的发生了。例如二是最近mom老板与我的事情准证和欠薪问题,lvaan预测时间拿回工资准确,很多fb说mom很难拿回,而已托了一个多月,我也开心灰心了,但lvann却说再等等,真的被他说会拿回和期限都准确。厉害,lvann值得大家关注和寻问

Agnes Chin