
About Yi Wisdom Culture |关于易智慧文化

Yi Wisdom Culture (YWC) (previously known as Ivann Choong Metaphysics) is an Modern Chinese Metaphysics Consultancy and Academy based in Singapore.
YWC conduct it’s consultancy and training based on it’s proprietary Yi Wisdom DUC Methodology derive from the ancient Yi Jing Wisdom.
Yi Wisdom DUC Methodology seek to help individual and business to Discover (D) their inner strengths and weakness, Understand (U) their decisions to get the best possible outcomes, and Lastly to Control (C) their external environment to attract positive and dispel negative. 



易智慧掘。解。握理论帮助个人和企业发掘 (掘) 其内在强项和弱点,了解 (解) 他们的决策,以获得最佳结果,最后掌握 (握) 其外部环境以吸引正能量和排除负能量。

Ivann Choong 鍾易

Ivann is the Founder, Chief Trainer and Chief Consultant of Yi Wisdom Culture.

He has great interest in chinese metaphysics and entrepreneurship since young.

He is also the creator of Yi Wisdom DUC Methodology and a series of Yi Jing and Yi Wisdom Course, Unleash with Yi Wisdom, Awaken with Yi Wisdom, Mastery with Yi Wisdom, and various Yi Wisdom Training Programs, which have together graduated over hundreds of Yi Wisdom Chinese Metaphysics Students since 2018.

He has also thousands of consultations clients from all over the world till date.



鍾老师擅长易智慧象數预测 ,易智慧八字命理和易智慧風水環境學, 并以易经为根本独创了易智慧“掘解握”体系并创建了一系列的易智慧课程,例如“易智慧命运解码”,“易智慧开悟班系列”,“易智慧顿悟班系列”,由入门至大师班,将八字,象数,风水的精髓按部就班的教给有缘的学员。
