Four Pillar of Destiny (Bazi) 四柱八字
The Four Pillar of Destiny (Bazi), is the date and time of the person's birth. From the almanac (Huang calendar or perpetual calendar), the four stems and branches of the year, month, day, and hour of the Ganzhi calendar can be found, which together are...
Selection of Auspicious Dates for New House
Selection of Auspicious Dates is always an important part for Feng Shui (Chinese Metaphysics) to bring the effects to the fullest. It works like an activation for the Positive Energy to Flow into your life, as well as dispel of Negative ones. It’s also meant for you to...
Yi Wisdom Fengshui Introduction
What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is an Environmental Study. Its a Study on how to attract and store positive energy around you, and how to dispel negative energy from you. Yijing Environment Fengshui start with placing a Virtual Bagua(虚象八卦)at your house from the map view. We call this...
Why do you need End Work Day & Start Work Day?
Ivann Choong Metaphysics New Year Series – Why do you need End Work Day & Start Work Day? Want to have a new start in the new year? Leave the past and bad things in the previous year. The new year will start from a new beginning and...
鍾易玄学新年篇-何为收工日与开工日 在新的一年想要有一个新的开始吗? 把旧的和不好的东西在旧的那一年都留下。 新的一年才能从新开始,顺顺利利。 最好就是择日因为你可不想在不好的日子收工和开工。 打工的在工作日就需要请假,老板级的就带员工吃顿饭慰劳一年的辛劳吧。 2019(己亥年)的立春在阳历2月4号,所以绝大部分的人都可以在2月3号收工。赞吧! 开工吉日应出生年而异,一定要择日择时来配和 天。人。地带来的正能量和气场才能确保新的一年大吉大利,顺顺利利。 开工要准备的物品: 1。要带上你开心的心情。 2。穿上你最欢喜的服饰。 3。包个5元钞票的红包和带上两粒甘,然后放在你的桌子上或工作上属于你的位置。 两粒甘要正好压在红包上。 这就完成仪式了。容易吧。 有些人因为某些关系开工吉日不能办到的话, 那就直接别收工和开工了。至少新的一年是延续去年的。 ...