
Yi Wisdom 360-DEGREE BUSINESS CONSULTING 易智慧360度商业咨询

Our proprietary 360-degree business consultation combines Yi Wisdom Methodology, Chinese Metaphysics, Digital Marketing and Business Strategy to deliver a unique transformation.


Yi Wisdom 360 Business Consulting

Unlock your business’s full potential with the guidance of Yi Wisdom. Combining BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny), Feng Shui, and Divination, We offer a comprehensive, 360-degree approach to business consulting. Whether you’re an entrepreneur launching a startup or a seasoned business owner aiming to optimize your company’s performance, this service provides insights that align your business decisions with the natural flow of energy, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

1. Business Strategy Consulting with BaZi
Your personal BaZi chart holds the key to understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and the opportunities and challenges ahead. By analyzing your BaZi chart in relation to your business goals, I offer guidance on:

  • Leadership Style: Understand your natural leadership strengths and areas for development, allowing you to lead with confidence and clarity.
  • Team Dynamics: Analyze the BaZi charts of your key team members to ensure that everyone’s strengths are maximized, promoting better teamwork and productivity.
  • Decision-Making: Identify the right timing for key business decisions such as expansions, investments, or restructuring, using your BaZi chart and current Luck Cycle.
  • Business Alignment: Ensure that your business goals align with your personal energy, ensuring that both your business and personal success are in harmony.

2. Feng Shui for Business Success
A harmonious business environment boosts productivity, enhances client relations, and fosters financial growth. Using traditional Feng Shui principles, I analyze and optimize your business premises to ensure that the energy (Qi) flows effectively, supporting success:

  • Office Layout Optimization: Arrange desks, meeting rooms, and important areas (such as entrances and cash registers) to promote prosperity, teamwork, and focus.
  • Wealth and Opportunity Areas: Identify the wealth sector in your office or commercial space and apply Feng Shui enhancements to attract financial success and new opportunities.
  • Business Relationships: Improve the flow of Qi in key areas that affect partnerships, client relationships, and staff interactions, ensuring smoother communication and stronger cooperation.
  • Annual Energy Adjustments: Make yearly adjustments based on the Flying Stars and Annual Feng Shui Energy Shifts to maintain balance and avoid potential business disruptions.

3. I Ching Divination for Business Decisions
The I Ching (Yi Jing) provides deep insights into the flow of energy in any given situation. We use I Ching divination to assist you in making critical business decisions:

  • Business Expansion: Discover whether it is the right time to expand, open new branches, or enter new markets.
  • Investment Timing: Use Divination to assess the risks and rewards of potential investments, ensuring that you act at the most favorable time.
  • Crisis Management: In times of uncertainty or crisis, Divination can offer guidance on how to navigate challenges and maintain stability in your business.

4. Holistic Business Branding and Marketing Strategy
Your brand’s success is deeply tied to its energetic alignment with your business values and goals. Through Yi Wisdom consulting, We help you create branding and marketing strategies that resonate with your audience:

  • Brand Identity: Align your brand identity with your personal BaZi and the mission of your business, ensuring that it attracts the right customers and partners. (Including Namecard and Website designing)
  • Marketing Timing: Launch campaigns or new products at auspicious times that align with your business energy and target market’s receptiveness.
  • Customer Relationships: Use Feng Shui and BaZi principles to improve client interactions, ensuring loyalty and long-term relationships.

5. Staff and Leadership Development
Your team is the backbone of your business. By using BaZi analysis and Feng Shui principles, I help you develop leadership and staff management strategies that foster growth and productivity:

  • Team Compatibility: Assess the BaZi compatibility of your team members, ensuring that their roles align with their strengths and the overall goals of the company.
  • Leadership Support: For managers and leaders, I offer personalized BaZi readings to help them understand their unique leadership styles and how to inspire their teams effectively.
  • Motivation and Engagement: Create a workspace environment that motivates employees, reduces turnover, and enhances job satisfaction through proper Feng Shui and energetic alignment.

6. Long-Term Business Planning
Business growth is a long-term journey, and it’s essential to plan for success over the years. Using Yi Wisdom, I help you:

  • Five-Year Plan: Align your five-year business plan with your BaZi’s Decade Luck Pillars, ensuring that each stage of growth is timed for maximum success.
  • Annual Energy Planning: Make annual adjustments to your business strategies based on both your personal BaZi Luck Cycle and the annual Feng Shui energy shifts, ensuring that you stay ahead of potential obstacles and opportunities.
  • Crisis Prevention: Identify potential challenges before they arise and take proactive steps to mitigate risks using Feng Shui, I Ching divination, and BaZi forecasting.

Consultation Process

  1. Initial Inquiry: Share your business details, goals, and key challenges. I will review your business’s situation and personal BaZi chart.
  2. BaZi and Feng Shui Analysis: I will conduct an in-depth analysis of your BaZi chart, your business environment (via Feng Shui), and I Ching divination for critical decisions.
  3. Comprehensive Report: You will receive a detailed report with personalized strategies, Feng Shui adjustments, and a timeline for implementing key actions.
  4. Implementation and Follow-up: I will guide you through the process of implementing these strategies, ensuring alignment with your long-term business goals. Follow-up consultations are available to refine or adjust the plan as needed.


  • Comprehensive 360-Degree Business Consulting Package: (Includes BaZi analysis, Feng Shui adjustments, I Ching divination, and ongoing consulting for business growth)
  • Individual BaZi Business Strategy Consultation: (Focused on BaZi analysis and business strategy planning)
  • Office Feng Shui Consultation: (Optimize your business environment for success and prosperity)
  • I Ching Divination for Business: (Single session to address a critical business decision or challenge)
  • Staff Development and Team Dynamics Consultation: (BaZi-based team analysis to maximize compatibility and productivity)

Why Choose Yi Wisdom 360-Degree Business Consulting?

  • Holistic and Comprehensive: I combine BaZi, Feng Shui, and Divination to provide a 360-degree view of your business, ensuring success from all angles.
  • Tailored to Your Business: Each consultation is personalized based on your unique BaZi chart and business environment, ensuring that the advice is specific to your needs.
  • Proven Methods for Success: With years of experience in Yi Wisdom and Chinese metaphysical practices, I offer strategies rooted in ancient wisdom but adapted for the modern business world.


For questions, information on pricing or to schedule a reading, email or whatsapp us at: sales@yiwisdomculture.com or contact us via contact form